Reading A: Reading Options

Reading Options

For Weeks 3 and 4, I choose the PDE Ramayana online version.  Although I like having a hard copy, the audio version was much more tempting because I feel like it takes the story to another level that is fun to investigate.  Also, this version has illustrations which I feel helps one make their own images, create their own artistic vision of the characters and events, as well as offering a different understanding than words can.

Week 5, I will definitely be watching Sita Sings the Blues.  I love seeing stories that are originally text-only be turned into another form of media.  I really wish I had the capabilities to make my own video/film, so it is interesting for me to see others do that.  I am not sure which of the free online books I will read, but they all seem to be cool and different retellings.

One of the comic books that stands out to me, more than all the others because I love comics, is  Ganesha: The Remover of All Obstacles (Volume 509) comic book from Amar Chitra Katka guide blog.  I really like the idea behind Parvati’s creation of Ganesha, and how protective she appears to be of him from the comic book’s summary.  It will be a really interesting read.

Image Source: Amar Chitra Katka Ganesha guide


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