Introduction of The Ridiculous Goose
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Personal Photo: Me as Little Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe, Halloween 2010
Hello, welcome to the Ridiculous Goose blog for Indian Epics! My name is Lauren Skaggs and this is my third year at OU but I am going to graduate this Spring 2019. I was born and raised in Oklahoma City, however, I would call Muskogee my home because that is where my family originates from. My parents still live in Oklahoma City, with our two dogs: Zander and Ginger.
I have a twin brother and his name is Braden. Most people will ask the typical questions like if we are identical or telepathic, but we are as different as a flamingo versus a reindeer. Braden is 6'1" and I am 5'3"; his hair is dark brown and mine is strawberry blonde. Although we look very different, we are close and these days we spend our time working together to drive our mom crazy. It has always been just us, with the exception of friends and cousins, so we often played dinosaurs and barbies when we were kids. Today, I would say he is my best friend and I try to be the same for him.
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Personal Photo: Zander |
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Personal Photo: Ginger |
Personal Photo: Braden, Ugly Sweater Contest Winner
This is my absolute favorite photo of my brother because it looks like a postcard and his pose is so unusual that I laugh every time I see it. He is a really funny person, and we both have a slightly demented sense of humor because we both really love comedy and making others laugh. Prank Wars were once a common event in my parents' house.
My parents are really important to me so this post wouldn't be complete without a picture of them as well. Most people say I look like my mom, and our relationship is pretty evident in most photos of us. My dad's humor isn't always for me, but he is my go-to-pal for watching Marvel movies and our favorite TV shows. Here is the three of us are at Universal when we went down to Flordia for the theme parks.

When I was a kid, the very first thing I ever wanted to be was a priest. I liked the songs we would sing at church, the people always bustling around, how everyone seemed to know each other. Unfortunately – or fortunately, depending on how you like to view things – I wasn’t born with the right parts and I eventually moved on to other career ideas. After the fallout at the realization, I wasn’t allowed to be a priest, I can only remember ever wanting to be a writer. I was fascinated with music, and could often be found screeching along to a Britney Spears’ song. Fortunately – and it really is only fortune – I now know my singing capabilities are aligned with the siren-song of a walrus.
Since priesthood and becoming a mini-Britney Spears were no longer options, I started realizing that I was pretty creative and books were actually really cool. I had an active imagination, especially when I was younger, as I took the things people said in ways that were more conclusions I drew than the actual truth. For example, my mom always told us to stay away from windows during a tornado. Good advice, really, except for the fact I assumed the reason was that tornadoes were sentient and that they really hated people – so much so, that if they saw you, they’d whirl in your direction because they're murderous.

Recently, I have made a series of animal/creature-people. It has been a really fun project, that helped pass the time over the summer.
Currently, I am collaging a mini-shelf and then I will be moving onto my biggest project yet: an entire bookshelf.
I am majoring in English Creative Writing with a minor in Spanish. My favorite things about my major are the people in my classes and the varying range of literature we are exposed to. I love having so many diverse options and wide-ranging topics to choose from when picking my classes. In my opinion, the people are the best part. Everyone has so much personality and I have never failed to find a friend to connect with in any of my classes. Even walking about, I have met really cool individuals. I really looking forward to getting to know my classmates for Indian Epics as well!
Hi Lauren,
ReplyDeleteI really like how you have added so many picture, it helps put together what you have said. I have to agree the people are the best part in class, they make things very interesting with all the different kinds of people in class. I enjoyed seeing your family picture, pictures are very sweet memories. I also want to say your dog is very adorable.
Oh, these photos are wonderful, Lauren! Maybe you will be inspired to make some collages inspired by the amazing arts of India! And I really hope you will enjoy the stories: there are so many authors in India today (SO MANY AUTHORS) who are working on the project of finding new ways to bring the old stories to life; I really don't know of another country where the ancient storytelling tradition is so well represented in modern novels and stories. And there are geese, well, hamsas, in the Indian mythological tradition: sometimes hamsa is translated as goose, sometimes as swan... nobody is really sure what the hamsas were (hamsa at Wikipedia) but you will see them in the epics and folktales. One of the most famous are the hamsas in the story of Nala and Damayanti who announce to Damayanti that she is destined to marry Nala: Damayanti and the hamsa.
ReplyDeleteHey Lauren!
ReplyDeleteI also have to say that the photos you have included are very nice! I especially like the collages you made, you are very artistic! A talent I was never born with. I also really like how you are so close to your family. To me, family is of the utmost importance. They will always be there for you! So it is nice to see others with the same values.
Hi, Lauren! Zander and Ginger are so cute! I had a hamster named Ginger when I was growing up. I like how close you are with your family and I love that picture of Braden! (I love ugly Christmas sweaters. I have WAY too many!) I'm sorry to hear priesthood didn't work out for you, but I'm glad you found something else you're passionate about! I used to be into making collages and when I say that I mean, I probably made two collages over a summer. Yours are much better than mine ever were. They look like modern art! I'm excited to see what you write this semester! Good luck with everything!
Hi Lauren, your introduction was awesome! Your family seems so close and friendly. Before the last paragraph of your post, I was guessing you were probably and English major because your writing was so good! I really enjoyed all the photos in your post too; your dogs are adorable. Your collage of people dancing is very creative. Best of luck to you this semester!
ReplyDeleteHi Haley,
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading your intro, and I am cracking up over the animal-headed ballet dancers (they’re beautiful and I absolutely love them!). Also, the line about your singing capabilities being aligned with the siren-song of a walrus is like my new favorite sentence ever written (with the exception of maybe the one with buffalo seven times lol). I’m a Spanish minor too, and also catch Marvel movies with my dad (and honestly it’s fitting, considering how dads are such pivotal plot points/backstory in so many MCU movies, from Howard to T’Chaka to Thanos and Scott). Your dogs look so precious, and the picture of you as the Lady Who Lived in a Shoe is iconic!
Thanks so much for sharing! I’m excited for the chance to catch some of your stories this semester!
Hi Lauren! After reading your post I have no doubts you will be a great writer, you definitely have a talent and a niche for creating and writing. Your collages are amazing and that is an awesome talent, I dont have much of a working left brain so as for me the creativity is in low supply but it is awesome to see what youve done with your talents!
ReplyDeleteHi Lauren! I like the way you lead us through your life and how you eventually determined your major. The style was great because instead of telling us your major and then telling us why you chose that, it was in reverse and it made so much more sense. Your family seems like a fun one, especially with the prank wars and the two adorable dogs!
ReplyDeleteHey Lauren. I really enjoyed getting to read your post. Your writing seems so great and there is a definitely a talent for that, that can be seen through your words. It seems like you and your family are so close to each other which is great to look back upon and see how they have shaped you to be the person you are today.
ReplyDeleteHi Lauren!
ReplyDeleteLoved the introduction. I'm from the Oklahoma City area as well. I'm actually from Norman, so I'm going to school in-town. I also have a brother who is quite opposite to me. Not as much as you and your brother but our parents define us as almost polar opposites. Creative writing is something I should look into, as I've been told I'm a natural at it. I do feel I have a creative imagination as well.
Hey Lauren!
ReplyDeleteI noticed that you said your dad's humor doesn't always match up with yours. Does he tell a lot of bad dad jokes? If so could you please share a couple of them with us? I saw that you said you're on your third year here but that you will be graduating in the Spring. Impressive! How many classes are you taking this semester and which one is your favorite?
Hey Lauren,
ReplyDeleteGood job on graduating early! That's like the toughest thing to do in college... so props to you! Your dogs are precious. I hope one day I will be able to have a dog myself! I see that you're an English major.. whew. All i can say is that I do not like English, my least favorite subject. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time in this class!
Hi Lauren!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to meet you. I must say you are a great artist. The ballerina collage is awesome! Also, Zander and Ginger are so cute! they must be really good puppies. I am impressed by your chosen major. Writing is not one of my strong suits. Congratulations on graduating early! You must have an outstanding work ethic. I wish you the best of luck!
Hi Lauren. I enjoyed reading your introduction. You definitely seem to be an artistic person. I have no doubt that you will be a great writer in this class and I cannot wait to read your stories. I like how you included quite a few phototos in your introduction. It really made this post stand out to the reader. Have a great semester!
Hi Lauren!
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures you included. Sounds like you are pretty dedicated and driven to be able to graduate a whole YEAR early. Most of my friends are taking an extra year or two. However, with a little luck I will be graduating on time. Also, I think it is great that you are best friends with your brother. My brother is one of my best friends as well, and it is so nice to have him here in Norman.
Hey Lauren! I have to say, your introduction made me want to be your best friend! You seem so interesting and so passionate... and I love to surround myself with people just like you. Art comes in so many forms, and your quirky/eclectic style is so flipping cool. To top it all off, I have a yorkie as well, named Jessie! Ginger is adorable and I bet she is just as lovable as my little pup! I wish you the best this semester, and never change who you are because you rock!
ReplyDeleteHi Lauren! I am glad I got to know more about you after reading your introduction blog post! It’s awesome that you are a dog person because I truly love dogs. I actually had one as well and treated it as if she were my own daughter. It’s awesome to know that you are taking this online class. Overall, I hope you have a wonderful, successful semester!
ReplyDeleteHey Lauren!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading your introduction and getting to know you! I love the pictures too, especially of your dogs! They are absolutely adorable. Also, I think it is awesome that you will be graduating early, so that must be exciting. If things go well, I will be too. I hope the rest of your semester goes well and good luck!
Hi Lauren. It’s good that you’re graduating earlier. I like your dogs. They are so adorable and cute. Your brother looks funny in that photo. I can see how fun-loving and pleasant your brother is from the photo. You have an amazing family and I love your Halloween photo! The costumes are really Halloweeny. I like your beautiful collages. They are really creative and artistic. It’s nice to meet you Lauren!
ReplyDeleteHi Lauren!
ReplyDeleteIt’s great that you’re able to graduate early. I like your dogs and they look so calm! I imagine our Morkie would annoy them so much with his toys and wanting to play constantly! You have a pretty cool looking family! I didn't get to dress up this year for Halloween (work) but my wife and I enjoy coming up with fun costumes! Hope you have a great semester!
Hey Lauren! Because you are a English Creative Writing major, have you enjoyed the more relaxed nature of this class? I assume that it would give you more flexibility in terms of the stories that you get to write in your other classes, especially in a blog format! I think it's so cool that you're also getting a minor in Spanish, as you get to communicate your ideas and stories to a whole additional audience of people and you get to indulge in the cultures of Spanish-speaking groups of people at the same time!
ReplyDeleteHey Lauren, I just read one of your stories which was a poem and it was so good. In your introduction I learned that you wanted to be a writer and well I think you are a pretty good one! I love that you are so close to your family! I am too and I literally wouldn't be able to do so much without their support!
ReplyDeleteHey Lauren I think its awesome that you have a twin brother you are so close with. I love when siblings are best friends because there is nothing closer then family. Also your story about how you thought as a kid tornados would chase people if they saw them was the funniest thing I have ever heard. Good luck the rest of the way!
ReplyDeleteHey Lauren,
ReplyDeleteFrom reading your introduction I would venture to say that you haven't known a dull moment a day in your life and I'm sure your parents haven't either hah! So creative writing and a minor in Spanish, have you ever considered taking your creativity into a different culture? I think that would be a fantastic adventure to pursue. Congratulations on graduating early! I plan to graduate this Fall myself. Good luck on your finals!
Hi Lauren! Your dogs are adorable! I love small dogs and loved seeing the pictures of yours. Your story of wanting to be a priest reminds me of my best friend. Since I've known her, which has been more than ten years, she's wanted to be a singer. Her parents recently told me that when she was really little, she told them that she wanted to be a priest when they went to church one day. Her parents didn't know how to tell her that she couldn't be one, so they asked her why she wanted to be a priest. Her reply was, "He has a microphone," haha!